Untitled (0718)


John Bauer
The Armory Show 2007
NADA Art Fair 2006
Hello Chelsea

Black and Blue Black Flag Dirty Fuck Me Over Again (You\'re Beautiful) My Fucking Brain There Is No Time For Inspiration Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled (0704) Untitled (0718) Untitled (0719) Untitled (0727) A Sign From Someone Invisible A Six-Foot-by-Four Foot Painting of a Naked Lady Body Double - A Movie I Have Rented 37 Times Chernobyl Crash Day-glow Headrush End of the 1980\'s Facial My Dreams Were Lit Like Pornography and in them I Fucked Girls Made of Cardboard Stella The Chandelier Room is Packed This is No Time for the Innocent In Terms of Lyrical Craftsmanship This Album Hits a New Peak of Professionalism "The Rise of Yuppie Fascism" Untitled # 49 Another Layer in the Conspiracy Theory Heavy Drinking And Desperate Agendas The Choreography of Pharmaceuticals Began... Untitled # 40 Four Office Building Elevators Are Rising... That\'s the Only Scene Kiki Appears In White Collar Crime






2007 Bellwether, New York, NY
2007 (December) "White Out", Patricia Low Contemporary, Gstaad, Switzerland
2003 Free-Floating Anxiety, Bellwether, Brooklyn, NY
1998 New Oils, Clementine Gallery, New York, NY
Selected Group
2008 Triumph of Painting Part 3: Abstract America, Saatchi Gallery, London, England
2005 "New York's Finest," Canada Gallery, New York, NY
2004 "Grotto II", Jessica Murray Projects, Brooklyn, NY
2004 Hello Chelsea, Bellwether, New York, NY
2003 "Recession 2003, $99 show", curated by Tim Thyzel, Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York
2003 Launched, Jeff Bailey Gallery, New York, NY
2002 Proper Villains, Cur. David Hunt, Space Untitled, New Haven, CT
2002 End of the Rainbow, Bellwether, Brooklyn, NY
2002 Grotto, Jessica Murray Projects, Brooklyn, NY
2002 The Accelerated Grimace, Cur. David Hunt, Daniel Silverstein Gallery, New York, NY
2002 Building Anxiety, Ten in One Gallery, New York, NY
2001 John Bauer and Diana Puntar, Bellwether, Brooklyn, NY
2000 Flat File, Bellwether, Brooklyn, NY
1998 Summer Bonanza, Clementine Gallery, New York, NY
1998 The Art Exchange Show, De Chiara/Stewart Gallery, New York, NY
1998 Winterland, Cur. Liz Christensen, The Lobby Gallery at Deutsche Bank, New York, NY
1996 Filter; John Bauer, John Silvis, Lyle Staar, Project II, New York, NY
1993 University of California, Santa Barbara, C.A. B.A.: Studio Art
Artist Website
2007 www.johnbauerstudio.com