"Welcome to the Dollhouse of Death", The National Examiner 2005. |
"Everything to Fear, Especially Fear Itself", Benjamin Genocchio, The New York Times 2005. |
"Shooting the Angel in the House: Corinne May Botz' Photographs", Courtney Baker, Art Papers 2005. |
"Exhibit About Fear is Creepy, Daring and Most Compelling", Judy Birke, CTcentral.com 2005. |
"Crimes of Passion", Lauren Walker, Dollhouse Miniatures 2005. |
"Wish I Was Here...", Leta Keens, Belle 2005, April/May. |
"Book Review: The Story of Elderly Heiress Who Designed Dioramas of Death", Robert Gottlieb, The New York Observer 2005. |
"Mind Over Murder", Robert, Polito, BookForum 2005. |
"Mayhem in Miniature", Sara Bir, Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper 2005. |
"Shooting Stars: young women photographers storm the galleries", Karen Rosenberg, New York Magazine, September 2004. |
"Murder Downsized", Eve Kahn, The New York Times, House and Home Section, October 7, 2004. |
""Murder in the Dollhouse"", Jennifer Schuessler, The Boston Globe 2004. |
"Murder in the Dollhouse", Jennifer Schuessler, The Boston Globe 2004. |
"Murder in Miniature", John Woestendiek, The Batimore Sun 2004. |
"Hot List: What We're Obsessed With This Week", Maureen Callahan, New York Post 2004. |
"CSI in a Doll's House and the Contagion of Obsessiveness", Vince Aletti, The Village Voice 2004. |
"Popular Science" 2003. |
"2wice Magazine" 2001. |
"Loud Paper, Volume 1, Issue " 2000. |
"2wice Magazine" 1999. |
"Life Magazine" 1999. |
"Metropolis Magazine" 1998. |